is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


This Is What Counts As News.

This Is What Counts As News.

I've been invited to a presidential debate viewing event. This pleases me much more than the debate probably will.

I got a new phone. I ordered it from Target online and it's already here. On the site it looked like it would be perfect. In person it's a bit hideous, but much less hideous than ugly phone. And it's hideous in a comic way, rather than in a tragic way. It's like a cartoon of a phone that would be in the boudoir of a 1930s Hollywood starlet. When I talk on it I should be wearing a satin nightgown and high-heeled slippers made out of a feather-boa. Set it on my bedside table, next to the kingsized bed with pink sheets (not mine) and "romantic" mosquito net canopy, and my room looks NUTS.

Hans Blix is CONFUSED by the mosquito net.

I'm trying to write a book review of a book I don't like. It's supposed to be finished and to the editor by Friday.

Today a student asked me for hairdye advice and I was able to advise her extensively. I take my role as mentor very seriously.

Friday I'm going to NYC. Friday night I see Yoktan, I think. Saturday morning Eggers is speaking at the New Yorker Festival at a panel on politics. Sounds good, good enough to get me to the corner of 59th and 5th by 10am on a Saturday. Then I think I'm having lunch with him. Then I would like to go shopping but I am broke. Terminally so. The cost of supporting two households with bills and now repaying student loans is daunting to a half-time visiting assistant professor, let me tell you. Shopping is a distant dream.

I might be going back to Claverack on Sunday for a baby christening. But I haven't heard whether it is actually happening yet. Which is of course wreaking havoc with my capacity for undue diligence. How can I even THINK about the weekend when I don't know whether I have to be in Claverack on Sunday?! Am I driving to New Haven to take MetroNorth, or am I driving to Wassaic? Or am I coming back from NYC to Amherst on Saturday so I can see Kamran while he's in town? What is going to happen?

This morning I awoke to a phone call from James Earl Jones, current spokesperson for Verizon. He wanted to tell me that as of 6pm today I can attempt to install DSL on my phone line. He wouldn't let me interrupt him for anything!

After I got off the phone with JEJ, I was laying in bed thinking about getting out of bed. I overheard some painter guys in the backyard conversing, and one said to the other, "Check out that SPIDER!"

2:01 p.m. - September 30, 2004


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