is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Ben, Jill Vindicated. Plus: Pancakes, and "That's right. Evany Thomas."

Ben, Jill Vindicated. Plus: Pancakes, and "That's right. Evany Thomas."

Look at these creatures. Turns out, they ARE dinosaurs.

Heidi wrote last night to correct a serious mistake I made under the influence of other people's foolhardy assertions that turkeys are not dinosaurs. Here is the science she dropped on me:

"It's late. Life is totally insane (paint, mom, wine....) but I still have to write to let you know that "avians" ARE "dinosaurs." Birds are what remains of "dinosaurs" (which are not really one group or genus or whathaveyou, but we'll pretend that you're talking only about the ornothischians when you say "dinosaur"), so saying "avian dinosaur" is, at best, redundant. You could just as easily say "dinosaurs", really, for all that word really means. Birds are the only living dinosaurs we have.

Just so you know.

It would be fun for you to try saying, "Hey, I almost hit a dinosaur on the way to work today." Except you walk to work, so really people would wonder about your sanity.

Ever noticed how you can only get away with being absurd in one direction at a time?

xo H"

So, Ben, call your mom! You may not have leprosy, but you DID see a dinosaur.

Hey Heidi. Do you still have the Natural History Museum project up anywhere? Or did that get lost in the Great Server Debacle? If Heidi still has that project available to us, I will link the shit ouf it for you, because in it she reviews EVERY ROOM of the Natural History Museum in NYC. Who ever thought dinosaur bones and nature dioramas could be so entertaining? Who, besides Heidi, that is.

In other news, I just made 1) some AMAZING pancakes and 2) a really good mixed CD for Lou, who put on her list of 10 things about me to love that I "make CDs of unsurpassing beauty." That to me sounds like a challenge. Anyway, this new one is called "happiness is easy," and if you want one, let me know.

How to make AMAZING pancakes: use any only pancake mix. But also do these things: 1) add one capful of vanilla extract, 2) add 1/2 capful of almond extract, 3) shake some cinnamon on in there, 4) remember to mix it all together with only the egg YOLK. then beat the egg WHITE vigorously and separately, and then fold it into the rest. It makes them much fluffier. 5) heat the pan well before adding the mixture. don't have the heat on too high. don't flip them until some bubbles appear on the top side and then burst. don't overcook them. 6) stuff them in the front of your head!

"That's right, Evany Thomas." The mailman just appeared at my door with a HUGE package. I'm talking about the box he was carrying, OK? Anyway, I thought it was going to be Nasser wanting some pancakes, so I opened the door and was all "HI, how are you?!" way-too-over-enthused (lots of sugar and caffeine already, too) and there it was mr. postman. I said, "whoa. I wasn't expecting THAT!" He said, "Do you know who it's from?" (Terror alert?) And I said, "Yes! My friend EVANY!" And he said, "That's right, Evany THOMAS." Which sounded funny because it was like he, too, knew EXACTLY who this Evany Thomas IS.

Evany Thomas likes to tell me that she's glad I have a diary, because then she knows what I'm doing when we haven't talked on the phone lately. And you know what? THAT IS WHY I LIKE EVANY'S DAIRY TOO! Except in the world of Evany's diary, it is still September. Jill=Sad. But Jill also got to talk to Evany for, like, an hour the other day. And Jill will be in SAN FRANCISCO in four days. Also: PANCAKES!

You are wondering what was in the package, are you not? It is actually a package from Dave Eggers AND Evany Thomas. And it contains: his latest book and TWO LARGE PAINTINGS. Plus the latest issues of The Believer, etc. Yay. I had told Dave in no uncertain terms that my walls were bare and that needed fixing. Yay.

OK. Time to get to work. Today's agenda: write another lecture; finish final edit of McSweeney's/SPEP thing; begin revising article on Levinas and Rousseau; dye hair.

11:34 a.m. - November 13, 2004


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