is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Karl is the King. Not Elvis. Karl.

Karl is the King. Not Elvis. Karl.

I'm about to drive to Vermont (again!... last week I drove to the Shire to go to a job interview at Bennington. Yes, where Bret Easton Ellis and Donna Tartt went to college. The interview went well. More later. And this week I am driving almost all the way to CANADA to see my uncle, aunt, cousin, and cousin's new baby) so I'll be out of range for a few days. Man. Am I tired of driving or what?! But it will be OK.

Also, do you know about Karl? Whenever I wear my Karl is King Tshirt, no one ever asks me what it means. And that is strange, to my thinking, because it is an odd shirt, festooned with a fanciful puffer fish wearing a crown, and stating only "Karl is King." Wouldn't you want to know what it all means? I know I would. Anyway, perhaps people are afraid to look at my breasts and therefore they neglect to attend to Karl's royalty? Or maybe Karl is so stately that everyone just knows, no one needs to be told? Or they are ashamed that they do not know because they can see from his manifest royalty that they ought to know, always already? Do Not Despair! If you yourself do not know of Karl and his Kingness, go here post haste and teach yourself a thing or two. I suggest you click especially hard on "You smell like barnacles" and "Karl wags his tail." The signage that appears when you click on "click here to find out All About Karl" is good, too.

There is bad news here, though. Always with the light there is some shadow, you know? Karl is dead. Long live Karl! Now, back when Karl was alive, I used to spend more time than I ought to admit in the tiny theatre at the Pirate Store, the tiny theater with only three seats, in which Karl would perform whenever he felt like it and no sooner.

The fish theater is still there, and there are other fish to watch. You can go watch them, too, if you are in San Francisco. Just remember: Karl will live forever. But he is no longer in the building.

12:13 p.m. - April 15, 2005


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