is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


It�s all stars, goose shit, and beauty.

It�s all stars, goose shit, and beauty.

Tonight I took a flashlight and walked out into the center of the darkened college green and looked at the stars. The sky was clear and black and all was silent save for the fountain in the duck pond. At night the fountain is lit, I learned. I would have laid down in the grass for awhile if it weren�t for the goose shit. I think I�ll have to invest in a tarp or something so I can go out in the dark and lay down sometimes. I don�t mind being wet with the night-dew, but goose shit is another matter altogether.

The campus of Haverford is beautiful. My walk from home to class or office is astounding. It�s the type of prettiness that it would be tough to take for granted. I appreciate it. Here are some photos of the nature-path portion and the goose-shit portion of my new surroundings.

Tomorrow I�ll finish writing the thing I�ve been writing about how I�ve spent time that could have been better spent.

Last night at a reception for the Philosophy department I claimed the ability to sense goose shit through my shoes.

That item is not related to this one: I joined the Philosophy department faculty reading group. We�re reading Plato�s Theaetetus. It�s one of my favorites, the one in which Socrates and his pals try to figure out what wisdom is. They begin by admitting that it begins in wonder and, get this, never get around to answering the question.

12:05 a.m. - September 06, 2005


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