is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Manhattan Payback.

Last night I went to a party where there was a seemingly bottomless pitcher of manhattans. I think I was paid back for all those times I did that to my party guests! Of course, my party guests never complained about the free-flowing manhattans, and I think it was fairly clear at some point that they expected them as a matter of course. And no one complained about them last night either. But, man, I am useless today! However, as Gayle likes to point out, sometimes it is good to have a hangover day. Just surrender yourself to your incapacity to do anything. Not such a bad thing. And luckily I don�t teach until Tuesday, so I can put off getting ready to explain some difficult Levinasian concepts to my students until tomorrow.

Dancing happened. Cut to the point in the evening where Jill is dancing to the German version of Der Kommisar. Hahahahaha. This was a party thrown by one of the professors who lives across the college green from me. So it was funny when at 3am my friend D insisted that he drive me home rather than allow me to walk the 500 yards across the darkened lawn. Because driving to where I live is infinitely more complicated than walking across the lawn. But I did get home safe, yes I did. And then I slept for four hours, which is the amount of time a drunk person sleeps before waking up feeling terrible. Today I am thankful for aspirin. But also for parties. It�s good to know that this peaceful little campus can sometimes produce loud and silly events.

4:40 p.m. - January 22, 2006


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