is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


The Sky Is Not Blue.

The Sky Is Not Blue.

Today was one of those days when you wake up in the Midwest, it�s mid-morning, but it�s already dark. The light appears as darkness. Impenetrably thick layers of grey grey clouds cover the surface of the sky hereabouts, many many days in a row, and often. There are generations of people growing up in the Midwest believing that blue sky is a special occasion. People in California have no idea.

My friend Chris always makes me laugh. Hard. And for a long time. And this morning he did so in the most apt way. I looked at my Myspace blog and found a comment from him, in response to the more rhapsodic entry I wrote about weather in Philadelphia last week during a dramatic storm. Here's what he wrote:

�You're the only person I know who could make that macabre mediocre city sound interesting. If you like rain, dog shit, mean people and crime, this place is for you. ROCKY!�

Ha. That made me laugh, over and over, on and off again, for the first ten hours of the day. Chris grew up here, so his take on Philly should be taken with the same grains of salt as my take on Concord, CA. So it�s cynical, but also on some level he�s right. Except that I�m in Haverford, a non-mean Quaker bubble, and if you check my shoes you�ll find goose shit, not dog shit. But there is always shit there, it's true.

In other news, how pleased was I just now when I clicked over to Evany's diary and found not one but TWO recent entries that I had not yet seen, both of which made me laugh out loud! Well? Yes. Very Pleased.

And, well, regarding her older new entry, I, too, have been epilating for dollars. I have a longish entry kinda written, but have been waiting to see whether any good metaphors for the INTENSE PAIN INVOLVED would occur to me. I'll probably finish the thing and post my findings tomorrow or the next day. Just you wait.

11:08 p.m. - January 23, 2006


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