is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


That just happened.

This actually happened today: There was a reception for the a new Fellow at the college, and I was mingling as was my job, so I walked up to a conversation-in-progress between two people I don't really know but whom I should meet-and-greet. Right then, when I walked up, one of them looked at me and said, �what�s the name of that stuff that is in the tube and you squeeze it between the tiles?� So, yeah, the first word out of my mouth in this conversation was: Caulk.

As Ricky Bobby might say, �That just happened!� Shake and bake.

Then I stood there trying really hard not to laugh.

Also, the reception was in a hallway. That's not supposed to be funny or significant or anything. It just seems strange to me to have a reception in a hallway.

Later in the conversation about caulk, I somehow found myself talking about being an archaeologist and, after being asked what is a good find for an archaeologist, I talked about coins, which date sites, or old wells, where you can find jugs that aren't broken because they originally landed in water. And the guy who asked me about caulk then said, "and did you find jugs?" Somehow that just seemed ludicrous to me, that we had gone from caulk to jugs while doing our best to have polite conversation.

So I stood there trying really hard not to laugh.

12:13 a.m. - September 27, 2006


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