is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.



If you're wondering how Hans Blix (TCNTUNWI) is doing, here's a 7 minute video for you to watch, with instructions for how to medicate a cat. Cats are not easy to medicate. Especially large semi-vicious cats. I may need to get one of those pill guns.

Besides the epic battle in which Hans Blix and I are engaged over pills, he seems to be doing OK. He spent much of this evening snuggled up against either Emma or Gus (who were visiting for some booze and conversation), in order to demonstrate to me that he can get his snuggle action elsewhere.

Laura has suggested that I start a no-pill-future fund for him, in order to get him some radiation or some surgery. She might be on to something.

11:54 p.m. - November 15, 2006


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