is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Not a Platypus.

So I brought Pinkemily with me to Linda and Marian's for Thanksgiving, since I'd be sleeping there for two days, etc., and, when I was unpacking my suitcase (on the kitchen island, because Marilyn was already staying in the guest room so I ended up sleeping on the comfy pink-striped couch, which was fine, but that meant that there was no real place for my stuff to be)... Anyway, as I was unpacking my suitcase, Linda said, "oh, you brought a platypus!". I said, "that is no platypus, it's a DUCK!" I continued, "in fact it is Pinkemily Oneword Duckinson." She is Linda, and asked for no explanation.

However, now that Linda has opened my eyes, I realize that Pinkemily is a bit Platypussy. Somewhat like a James Bond heroine/villianess.

In other news, Marilyn, at one point, broke into another conversation to say, "Oh. My. God. You are NEVER going to guess who I saw on the cover of a magazine." I said, "my cousin Marc." Marilyn looked sad that she wasn't the one to break the news. "Oh, you saw it." I said, "yes, my cousin is America's Next Top Model."

Actually, my cousin is on the cover of a small advertising magazine about computer security. It was the subject of much merriment while the Family was Doing Dallas.

The weekend was fun. In fact it was perfect, with the right amount of food and good friends and yummy booze and dessert and cultural events and trashy magazines and television. But I'll dish about all that later. Right now I've got some work to do.

12:13 a.m. - November 27, 2006


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