is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


NEW YORK CITY y cosas.

I sure have been enjoying the fruits (IYKWIM) of Evany�s pledge to write an entry every day for the last couple of months. Very Much. She and I were talking the other day (and by �talking� I of course mean �IMing�) about some of the less stellar features of the Diaryland blogging system, like the stats system and the sometimes losing things and the photo uploading system, and she was saying, as she wrote in her entry, that her numbers have been very low, which we all know much be a fluke of some sort, and I was saying that I never hear from readers anymore, which, I assume, isn�t a fluke, just that maybe there�s nothing to say. Or maybe everyone is sufficiently annoyed that I once started to set up a comments system and then never finished, and yet still haven�t removed the link that says �comments� but doesn�t lead anywhere. Oy. Indeed, the sadness of it all is that I have been unable to make the link disappear, even though it leads to nowhere. That must be some kind of metaphor, right?

Last Saturday I came back from NEW YORK CITY (hear that in the voice of a Pace Salsa commercial) and that evening one of my fellow professors had a PIE PARTY (hear that in Ethel Merman's voice). A party full of pie! Can you imagine anything better? Well, since I am very good at making pie, I was sad that the one thing I did not have was enough time to make a pie. So I made the famous Jill�s-Grandma�s pie-crust cookies. And they were very popular at the pie party. And in my mouth.

Also at the pie party, a friend of mine told an anecdote about how a certain professor on campus kept mentioning that he had a fianc�e to her, as if she, my friend, was constantly trying to date him or something. Then I realized he had done the same thing to me. And, at the time, I had only been trying to make polite conversation because we were stuck sitting near each other at a reception. That then became the theme of the party. �This pie is fantastic.� �I have a fianc�e!� "Hey, is there any more bourbon left?" "I have a fianc�e!" Etc.

Also, when I got home from NEW YORK CITY, I found a note from my downstairs neighbor, who had been taking care of Hans Blix (TCNTUNWI) for the first time, and even giving him pills, and she wrote me a note saying, �I don�t think I�ve ever met a cat as friendly as Hans Blix!�. Hans Blix has a fianc�e!

Tomorrow I have to go to Los Angeles for 2 days for a job interview. The future is unknown.

In NEW YORK CITY I ate a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with Linda, Marian, and Marilyn at Kitchen 22. Here�s Marilyn and Marian getting ready to leave the house. Marian has racks and racks of clothing that roll around the apartment, because she is Marian and also a costumer (not a customer, a costume-er)(though she's also a tough customer, full of moxy). In sum, I love making jokes about her racks. Because I am a 14 year old boy.

We also visited Linda�s new condo, had a great brunch at Rice, went to the German Portraiture exhibit and post-Katrina photography exhibit at the Met, and had Korean food and then drinks with Ramsay and Julia.

Here we are in Linda�s new condo, discussing alterations and decorations.

Here I am at Under the Volcano, duuuuhrinking with Ramsay. (Actually, I had one bourbon and he had countless vodkas.)

11:53 p.m. - November 29, 2006


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