is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Eponymous Blog Posting.

You know how funny it is when you use the word "literally" incorrectly on purpose? It is literally a riot of madcap hilarity.

I've decided the next word to be taken up and abused as such should be "eponymous." So today when I went to take a walk on the beach with Caroleen and Birdy-the-dog, I brought my eponymous flip-flops with me.

There are a lot of things I like about Gus, and one of them is that every time he or I or someone else misuses the word "literally" (on purpose, or maybe sometimes not on purpose), Gus goes out of his way to explain to me, whether I need him to or not, what is really being said in the statement in which the word "literally" is being misused, and what conditions would have to transpire such that the word "literally" could be used correctly in the sentence. That is always very funny to me.

I appreciate that particular skill of his not only because it makes me laugh but also because it shows all at once that he is a stickler for grammar, has a sense of humor, and an appreciation for absurdity. The category of people who are sticklers for grammar does not admit of much overlap with the category of people who have a good sense of humor, let alone those who appreciate the fine art of the absurd, and so it is always good fortune to find someone who literally straddles that mess of fussy lines.

11:39 p.m. - July 22, 2007
Richardia - 2007-07-23 09:05:07
Um, correct use of the word "literally" is not a matter of grammar. I'm just sayin'.
jill - 2007-07-23 12:43:00
hahaha. yes, of course that's true, and especially funny that you're the one pointing it out. how about: "stickler for usage"? or perhaps i'm not using "grammar" literally?


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