is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Post Script.

When I wrote about the letters I compose in my head upon waking in the morning, I purposely chose either events long past, or I fictionalized the events depicted (as in the case of me, Bret, and Jemaine getting naked with food). That is my answer to the question posed to me by a few acquaintances who wondered who Texas Two-Step is. Texas Two-Step is an amalgam of some of my very best friends, who are still my very best friends even if they have in the past been the occasion of the mind-writing of such a letter... since all of us, including me, can sometimes be the person who forgets something that was important to someone else.

That is also why it is sometimes good to write letters that never get sent, or perhaps even never get written. It's good to think for yourself about what you are feeling about things that happen and people you love (or people you don't love whom you just happen to encounter in your life). Private journals are good for those things, as are mind-letters. Not everything needs to be said, and certainly very many things do not need to be said publicly! However, sometimes things that do not need to be said, or said publicly, do need to be thought, in the privacy of a mind or a journal, for the sake of, among other things, realizing whether or not such things do not need to be said. That was really my only point.

3:04 p.m. - August 09, 2007


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