is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.



Some might think that writers of the HBO series Deadwood aspire mostly to show the greatest number of people using the word "cocksucker" the greatest number of times (which would make it an odd new variant of utilitarianism, the political theory that champions achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people), but really the show is about how human beings living together need to impose order on their relations and interactions. It's about how law isn't only what you find in legal institutions. And it is about establishing law where there is none, and where the last thing that is wanted is a legal institution. I have found the show really interesting for that reason.

It pleases me that, on the show, the answers given to questions of human order and conflict are not always utilitarian. Even for relatively lawless types, sometimes justice is more important than what the majority wants or what's socially expedient.

And, of course, sometimes Machiavelli owns a saloon.

(You know I don't have premium cable. I'm just now getting to the end of season 2 of a show that was canceled a year ago.)

10:52 p.m. - September 19, 2007


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