is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Old is New.

It's always hard to figure out what to bring when I pack to go to San Francisco for my long summer trips. I am determined to pack only what I can carry on my own, which means I can only bring one suitcase. And the suitcase has to weigh less than 50 pounds. But how am I supposed to decide what to bring, what cute clothes will I need and which ones can I live without for a month or more? What items will be the most versatile and what compromises will I need to make? Will I need gym clothes, hiking clothes, fancy clothes... and so on? I've learned the hard way that you shouldn't bring something you never wear thinking you'll wear it. You bring the things you most want to wear, because you're stuck with a small selection. But there's a good thing about the minimal clothing routine: when I get home, it's like I have a lot of new clothes. Last week I went through my closet and some of my dresser drawers and realized that I have lots of great clothes that I haven't worn in a long while. Apparently I slipped into a teaching slump. Sure, there are things to wear for teaching, one has to be appropriate and all. But what about outside of work? In my lived life I seem to have been acting like I'm a teacher all the time. In the meantime, back in my closet I've got it covered, wardrobe-wise. No need to be distressed by my inability (financially speaking) to buy new things.

Of course, I could dearly use some shoes for rain and snow. So maybe that will be what I'm allowed to buy when I get my next freelance check. Check!

Or when I successfully sell the things on eBay that I've realized I haven't worn for awhile and that I don't plan on wearing again. It's good to be careful about what you eBay, because lots of stuff will come back in style in a couple of years. But with some things, you just know they aren't working for you anymore. And so you let someone else pay you cash to get those pieces working elsewhere. It's good for everyone involved.

In other news, I was IMing with Gene the other day and he was all, "are you back to molding young minds again" and I'm like, "I'm on FELLOWSHIP this year." His response: "you mean like Frodo?" Yes, just like Frodo. Or maybe no. Not really like Frodo at all.

9:08 p.m. - September 09, 2008


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