is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Arch Enemy.

Speaking of feet, I just got the cutest boots on eBay (with money I got from selling some other items), the most ideal lovely boots ever, or at least currently. They have a heel that looks good but is manageable for New York Walking, they are mid-calf, black, have zip entry and some cute white stitching trim. However they are making me sad because, though they are precisely my size, they are not ready for my high-arched feet. My feet are not wide or huge, but sometimes they encounter shoes that feel way too tight because their archiness means that they, well, arch up higher than a flatter foot would. These boots are made for flatfooters. So I've been dousing them with rubbing alcohol on the insides, putting them on, and walking around to try to stretch them out. I think it can be done. They're Fluevogs, and are made of the kind of Fluevog leather that does stretch (as opposed to the kind that doesn't, and both kinds of Fluevog leather exist), so I'm in a contest, me against the boots, to see who wins. Will I break them, or will they break me and cause me to re-sell them on eBay? When I first got the blue suede Fluevog boots, lo! those many years ago, it was REALLY HARD to get them on because of the arch-tightness, and sometimes when I wore them they felt so tight I thought I was losing circulation to my feet. And now they are more comfortable than a night on the couch. I have hope.

2:45 p.m. - October 09, 2008


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