is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Washing Machine Update.

Although Gus and I have often said we would record the song at the end of the wash cycle, we never have, because we are lazy and/or have more important things to do than to figure out how to remember to record a song that only happens at the end of a wash cycle. But still, I have slowly begun to master the song so that I can sing part of it whenever it happens. It would be great to have a whole song worked out, instead of just phrases here and there. For that reason I wish the lazy part of me would sit back so that the part of me that will spend a ridiculous amount of time on something pointless could figure out how to record the song and then send it to Caroleen, who is a genius at inane (as well as profound) lyric-writing.

My main lyric is: "I have cleaned your clothes now so put them in the dryer," with various variations and add-ons such as "oh yes they are very clean" and "why would you leave them sitting here." There is definitely room for improvement.

1:08 p.m. - March 22, 2009
Vladimir Estragon - 2009-03-23 02:52:24
Google is your friend, Jill.
js - 2009-03-23 16:34:47
And you are my friend, too, wokwok. THAT IS THE SONG. THAT IS THE SONG! We still don't know if it was written for the washer or is some old standard or something. But that is the song!
Heather - 2009-03-24 19:21:52
The song is Die Forelle, by Schubert. I sang it in my 6th grade choir (25 years ago) and still remember half the words.
js - 2009-03-25 01:47:04


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