is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


aye, she's a cormorant.

FYI, the new water bird at the pond that I described a week or so ago, and guessed it was some kind of diving duck, is a cormorant. Cormorants are diving fish eaters. They are not ducks.

I haven't seen the heron lately, but there is a new wood duck couple at the pond. The appearance of the wood duck couple has made me realize that the duck from years ago that I called The Wood Duck was actually a Mandarin. Mandarins and Wood Ducks both have that punk rock cresty thing on their heads, and are apparently closely related, but are not the same thing. My apologies to the Mandarin, on whom I had such a crush lo! those few years ago, for mistaking him for a Wood Duck.

11:10 p.m. - October 20, 2009


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