is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


today's tight-loop small world.

I'm upstairs at Adam Savage's house, using his awesome wife Julia's (they are both old friends of mine) office to work on getting an interview for The Believer finished, because it was due to my editor, Vendela Vida, yesterday.

Meanwhile, downstairs Adam gets a call asking him to be an interlocutor with Vendela at an upcoming event in San Francisco.

And then! I'm meeting with Dave Eggers (who is, among other things, Vida's husband) later, mostly to hang out (because we are old friends), but also to mention that Adam is interested in doing charity work for 826 Valencia, the charity that Eggers started in SF many years ago that now has spread to many cities in the U.S.

I have also overheard some very exciting developments having to do with Mythbusters, but I WILL NEVER TELL.

And there we have it: today's tight-loop small world of San Francisco good works.

I usually don't like to do anything that sounds like name-dropping (because I am from San Francisco, not Los Angeles or New York, where the conventions are different), but today's set of overlaps struck me as a particularly good instance of the enjoyable smallness of my San Francisco.

12:05 p.m. - July 26, 2010


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