is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


What’s Going On? What’s Going To Happen? How Is Hans Blix?

What’s Going On? What’s Going To Happen? How Is Hans Blix?

OK. First of all: What’s Going On?

This has been a crazy-busy and fun week. You’ll note overlap with Evany’s week. That’s because she and I are both unemployed, in denial about the fact that we shouldn’t be spending so much money, and ready for some fun. Tune in next week as we set out to cross this large country called the US of A, a trip that I am now calling “Credit Cards Across America.”

On Monday I went to see Napoleon Dynamite with Evany, Jeff and Caroleen. The movie confused me a bit because it had no plot. It was just a long vignette (is that an oxymoron?) about a weird misfit teenager from Idaho who tries to make the best of his crazy/normal surroundings. It was, however, endlessly entertaining, as well as occasionally poignant, and fairly funny, and it has allowed Ms. Thomas and I to spend our week saying “IDIOT!” to each other, not to mention posing for all photos as if they were glamour shots. Here's Caroleen posing with glamour while talking on her sidekick!

On Tuesday I worked on my freaking paper, OK? Oh, except that I got sucked into watching an hour of reality television, that show about the girl who is a “player” who is trying to find out which of 20 guys are the best “player” “in the house”? Ugh. Reality television makes me feel existential despair. If only I could convince myself that that is what it is TRYING to do, I’d feel better about it.

On Wednesday I went to see Dirty Power at the Bottom of the Hill. Mr. Perrone and the company of Bears rocked. Way hard. It was exciting. And fun. Now I want one of the Dirty Power girly Ts so I can advertise the hard rocking with my rack. I mean, people are going to be looking at it anyway, right? I might as well put it to work in the service of Rock!

Rock! Rack!

At some point during the Dirty Power set Seth turned around and said to me, “Could Steve BE any cuter?” The answer: no, he really could not. But still. I had to pause before answering, with an odd look on my face, because, contextually speaking, given the hardness of the rocking, it was a funny question.

They played with Hammers of Misfortune, who also rocked, but whose rocking was a bit more confusing to me than that of Dirty Power. Halliday would be able to tell me exactly what I was missing and et cetera, and I do like to be made to see the greatness of music that I haven’t yet absorbed, but, hey, my current days in San Francisco are numbered, so I spent a great deal of time during the Hammers of Misfortune set talking to friends on the back patio.

On Thursday I drank way too much whiskey for Leisa’s birthday at a bar called The Public, and that led me to drink way too much champagne at Sunshine's house. The champagne part of the evening was accompanied by an amazing yummy blackberry pie made by Evany. Evany Thomas.

On Friday I went to see Waycross. At Larry Blake’s. In Berkeley. Across the Bay. My sister came up from Monterey to see me, and she, Mr. Perrone and I crossed the bay, trepidatiously, and descended into the basement of Blake’s on Telegraph. Waycross was good. Caroleen’s vocals were a bit hard to hear, which was slightly annoying. Because she hurts me with her words! She hurts me in a way that I obviously love to be hurt, because I keep returning for more! However, the show was still very good, and there were lots of people there for talking and drinking and catching up. Gayle and I spent some time discussing our love of being hurt by Caroleen, and wondering where her power comes from, and why she hides it so mysteriously during the day when other people are around. Mr. Perrone joined the band for one song when they played “The Great Pretender” from the Brian Eno project that Caroleen and Doug did. Natalie observed to me that Mr. Perrone looks differently hot while playing the guitar than he does when not playing the guitar. It is because he is in love with guitar-playing. I like that about him.

During the evening at Blake’s these things happened: I saved my sister from a "playwright" who thought I was my sister’s girlfriend and then said, about me, “she’s tough, isn’t she?” (and then added, about Natalie, “but you’re tougher!”). When it comes to annoying sister-harrassing playwrights, let me tell you, I am McGruff taking a bite out of crime! Also: while Waycross played, unbeknownst to us innocents in the basement, the upstairs of Blake’s was transformed into some sort of mixture of teenager playroom and hoochie-mama pick-up spot. When the loud band of the boys who wore tin foil and wigs started playing, Mr. Perrone and I decided to go upstairs for some ear respite, and Amy warned us that she wasn’t so sure it wasn’t worse up there. She was right. These were two entirely different circles of hell, but both of them hells, to be certain. Nonetheless, we stayed upstairs for awhile because the people-watching was entertaining and because we had chairs. This allowed us to relax and to guess at what thoughts people had as they chose their outfits for the evening.

I thought my sister was outside smoking and that I would catch her when she came back in. I was wrong. Furthermore, unbeknownst to me, not only did the playwright follow her outside, he also tried to follow her into the bathroom. Anyone who knows my sister will be shocked to think that there is a man out there who can’t get a clue dropped by Natalie! Anyway, she couldn’t find Mr. Perrone and I and that made her mad! She forgave us!

Saturday morning Mr. Perrone, Natalie and I had breakfast. Mr. Perrone seems to have passed the tough sister test.

I know what you are thinking! “But Jill,” you are thinking, “you are leaving town!” Well, here is what I have to say: WHO CARES! Any amount of heartache or missing the boy or wishing things were different is worth what I have RIGHT NOW. OK? I say that to myself ten times a day to calm myself down.

What’s Going To Happen?

I DON’T KNOW! I am going to miss a lot of people. Some of them will miss me, too! I’ll be back. And forth. And forthright. And the future is unknown and unknowable.

Still, What’s Going On?

Saturday night Evany, Mr. Perrone, Seth, Jeff, Caroleen and I went to a big party down the peninsula thrown by Emma and David for their birthdays. I showed up with three kinds of wine, three kinds of crackers, and three outfits. As it turned out, I drank the shit out of a lot of Pinot Grigio, ate dessert, and then dessert, and then some dinner, and then some dessert, and became a loud enthusiastic advocate for the trying of the IJOY massage chairs, but I never changed outfits. I didn’t put on my swimsuit for enjoying the swimming pool or hot tub, and I didn’t change into my more comfy black dress out of my constraining-bodice sundress, and I didn’t take off my dress for the naked enjoying of the water-containing things either. I was just fine there on my chaise lounge, with my cake and wine, watching Evany and Caroleen and Mr. Perrone and Seth playing in the pool like cute little kids. Later in the evening the pool was transformed into a stew of hot naked ladies playing Marco Polo.

For some reason there was a lot of world music playing during the party. It was a bit of a shitstorm, if you ask me. At some point an unidentified member of my party managed to find Prince’s Greatest Hits and changed the music. That made me happy. But of course I was already very very happy what with the cake, the wine, the beautiful surroundings, and all my friends around me. Emma and David are good at throwing parties! Especially when they are house-sitting at a fabulous villa!

When Seth, Mr. Perrone and I went looking around the grounds of the fabulous villa, we found a very small door leading into a room full of beds. Seth said, “It’s a Hobbit fuck bunker!” Say THAT ten times a day!

How’s Hans Blix?

Hans Blix has fans out there. Right now Blixy 3000 is in the “time out” box, AKA the bathroom, because for the last half hour he has been sitting next to my feet waiting for a moment to bite. Everytime he tries to make the biting move, I say, “NO” and he freezes in mid-air with his jaws open. It’s pretty funny. Except that it is also annoying given that it is hard to concentrate on what I’m doing when my peripheral vision has to be anticipating cat-bites all the time. So it’s time out. I’ve got to finish the paper and email it to the conference organizers today.

The other day Hans Blix and I got along very well because he got to beat me up in his dreams instead of in real life. He was laying next to me on the couch, and, as he was sleeping, he was clawing at the air and chomping his teeth.

What’s Going To Happen?

Tonight Caroleen is making burgers and tater tots and chocolate chip cookies with ice cream!

And here I am, posing for a glamour shot, thinking of you.

1:52 p.m. - August 15, 2004


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