is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Perennially Surprised Super Sloth.

Perennially Surprised Super Sloth.

I am back from Yosemite, back at BeattyMatt with Gentleman Badger and LadyFox. I have much to say about the lovely trip Evany and I took to the tops of icy waterfalls, etc., and also about the disorientation of finding that trails get lost when there is SNOW all over them, but today I cannot say much because I am S O S L O W.

For instance, it is 11:38, and I have just now managed to get dressed, though I have been awake since 7:50. It took me more than an hour just to get out of bed. I have things to do, some of which I would like to do, others I just should do, but apparently I am not interested in doing (let alone motivated to do) any of them.

About twenty minutes ago, in the shower, a shower which for some reason took a V E R Y L O N G T I M E because of my aforementioned slowness, I had a moment of panicky tearfulness at my slowness and then it dawned on me. Oh. It's hormonal. If you are a girl you know. It is funny ( h a h a h a ) that even though the "hormonal" thing happens quite often, it always takes you by surprise. It is one way of viewing the absolute hubris we humans undergo when we think our minds really are in charge of our bodies in some straightforward way.

Sure, our minds do influence what we feel, for better and for worse. But it is dangerous to underestimate the ways in which our non-mind-parts have a huge influence on what we think, too.

So I've realized, finally, that today is one of those days when I just have to leave the house, go to a restaurant, and have some nice people bring me some food. Then I'll take a little walk. Then I'll come back to BeattyMatt and TCB. I hope.

If not that, I'm sure Birdy will need a walk at Fort Funston or something!


11:36 a.m. - June 04, 2006


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