is the word 'diary' better than the word 'blog'? probably not.


Votes, Cats, Songs.

I hope you voted today. (You know. If you are in one of those states where voting happened today.) I did. And, for the first time in my life, I voted in one of those old machines where you actually turn little levers for the candidate you choose, and then, when you're done, you pull a huge lever at the bottom to register the vote. It all felt very manual.

Totally not related: recently I became obsessed with savannah cats. But almost as soon as my obsession began I learned that they are outlawed in New York City. So my latest idea is that I need to get a gun-slinging savannah cat who can best live up to her outlaw status. She will be third generation, part domesticated cat part wild African Serval.

I was telling Gus the story about the savannah cats being outlawed in New York City and he's all, "what, do they eat babies or something?" I'm like, "um, no, I think there's probably just a rule that in New York City you can't keep any animals in your home unless they are domesticated." Oh, the madness of blind application of rules!

But, well, anyway, it's not like I can afford a cat that costs thousands of dollars. I mean I can't afford that financially or ethically. What would all the damn-cute alley cats who need homes think of me?

In other news, a new teaching semester has begun. I have a three hour break between my first two classes and my last class, which is an evening class, so I've been tending to eat out once or twice a week. And this greek diner where I sometimes eat has a bad, bad, bad soundtrack. This is not one of those instances where bad means good. I was working on a paper last week, successfully banishing the soundtrack to the back of my mind until a most heinous awareness entered into my consciousness. Let's just call it Bryan Adams. "Heaven." No, I'm not saying it was heavenly. I'm saying it was that song called "Heaven," by Bryan Adams. Uuuaaaarrrggghhh!

Today, however, as I was looking over my notes for my last class, successfully drowning out the music with my sound-banishing powers (just ask my sister about these), I was interrupted by Alicia Keys, who is always lovely. But what was she doing paired up with all that terriblicity? Anyway, I like that new hit song she has. It's probably not as good as "Fallin'" (now there is a link that is worth a few minutes of your day) ... but it's good. And it is definitely not by Bryan Adams.

Speaking of which, over the weekend Gus and I were aimlessly looking at cable channels when we happened upon Roll Bounce, which I made us watch for what might qualify as way too long. But I kept naming all the songs right as they started, which seemed odd to Gus. But then I realized that it's because much of that was the soundtrack to my junior high years in suburban Cleveland, OH. And perhaps that explains my lasting love of R&B music. Not that such a love needs to be explained. Only that it is sometimes surprising or funny to people to learn that I like that stuff, somewhat like the night when Evany first learned that I know all the songs to Rocky Horror Picture Show and thought I had been cheating on her or something. I'm not sure I still know all the words. But I do know quite a few.

Oh, and Roll Bounce counts as bad that is good. But maybe only if you happen upon it during a random cable TV search. I do love that he's newspaper-delivery-skate-dancing to Bill Withers in the trailer, though.

11:21 p.m. - February 05, 2008


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